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Detoxification Digestive Health Probiotics
Promoting healthy detoxification with probiotics

Promoting healthy detoxification with probiotics

Promoting healthy detoxification with probiotics The start of the New Year is synonymous with detox marketing everywhere you look. However, the human body already provides us with the most sophisticated detoxification organ – the liver. The liver plays a central role in detoxification—the process by which the body identifies, neutralises and eliminates harmful substances, and…

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Winter: A Time for Restoration, Not a Detox

Winter: A Time for Restoration, Not a Detox

Winter: A Time for Restoration, Not a Detox Both traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine use the winter months as a time for inward reflection, nourishment and building strength to prepare for the renewal of spring. They suggest that detoxification which can be depleting, goes against this natural rhythm of the season and that…

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